Grupo 1

P1 - Breaking the ice and getting to know each other

P2 - Context of familiarity and superficial knowledge

P3 - Icebreaker and knowledge activities

Grupo 2

P4 - Project introduction - Background knowledge

P5 - Project introduction - SIEP, bullying, cyberbullying and prevention

P6 - Project introduction - Theatre of the Oppressed Methodology

Grupo 3

P7 - Creative expansion - Learning by doing: Body Expression (1)

P8 - Creative expansion - Learning by doing: Body Expression (2)

P9 - Creative expansion - Learning by doing: Body Expression (3)

Grupo 4

P10 - Transition image

P11 - The antagonist's image

P12 - Journalistic Theatre

Grupo 5

P13 - Introduction to the Image Theatre technique

P14 - Image theatre creations

P15 - The image of the pictures

Grupo 6

P16 - Tips (1)

P17 - Tips (2)

P18 - Teaching tips to keep in mind

Grupo 6

P19 - Creation of Pills about Bullying

P20 - Creation of Pills about Cyberbullying

P21 - Creation of Pills Theatre of the Oppressed

Virtual Mode

P22 - Educational Pill on the development of TdO in virtual format